Take Your Practice with You While You Travel

Tips to Maintain Your Practice Wherever You Are It’s that time of year again for a busy summer season filled with all kinds of travel plans. Whether you’re traveling for work or for fun, don’t let your yoga practice fall by the wayside! Here are a few ways to make sure you’re keeping up with your practice even when you’re not at home or able to attend your favorite class at AYC. Hold Realistic Expectations When you’re traveling, it may […]

10 Best Places To Do Yoga in Asheville

10 Best Places To Do Yoga in Asheville As you thaw out from the Western North Carolina winter and move toward spring and summer, it is the perfect time to take your yoga practice outside of your comfort zone. To help you get started and inspire your next practice, we’ve listed 10 of our favorite places to practice yoga — outside of the classroom. NC Arboretum The North Carolina Arboretum is 434 acres of public gardens that’s teeming with lush foliage, […]

Instructor of the Month: Kimberley Puryear

Instructor of the Month: Kimberley Puryear Taking one of Kimberley Puryear’s classes is to get an hour-long education in authenticity and self love. The moment you lay out your mat in her Tuesday evening Yin class, you are welcomed by Kimberley with a smile (usually followed by a funny one-liner). Although the class is always packed, there is a sense of individual attention paired with the comfort of being surrounded by people looking to find balance in their body and […]

Instructor of the Month: Michael Johnson

Michael Johnson is a compelling mix of creative yoga instructor and curious student of the mind. The root of his interest in meditation lies in its ability to help with neurological disorders and for developing wellbeing. Michael’s worldview and meditation practiced changed when he read Buddha’s Brain by Rick Hanson and Richard Mendius. In this book, they explain how we can literally reshape our brain for greater happiness, love and wisdom through a combination of modern science and ancient teachings. Implementing […]

Community Member Profile: Lorraine Lordi

Community Member Profile: Lorraine Lordi When people talk about how yoga has changed their lives, I can add one more to that:  yoga saved my life.  You see, ten years ago, I was diagnosed with MS.  I went from being someone who could go like the Ever-Ready bunny to a person who could barely walk down her driveway, to the mailbox.  It was all of fifty feet away. For several years after the diagnosis, I struggled with not only loss […]